I officially cut my dreadlocks off after two years!
When you’ve gone through the new growth trenches for what seems like an eternity, cutting off your dreads becomes unimaginable.
Once 2022 arrived, I knew that it was time for me to make some serious changes to my ‘glo up’ strategy.
So I decided to make the big chop!
In this post, I’m going to tell you all about the true spiritual meaning of dreadlocks and why I made the decision to cut them off!
Why I Cut My Dreadlocks
Getting rid of my dreadlocks wasn’t an easy decision, it took time for me to take the leap.
Although I was scared of experiencing a receding hairline with age, cutting my dreadlocks was more spiritual than aesthetic.
The sentimental value that I held within my locs was undoubtedly suppressing my ability to spiritually evolve past the ego I developed.
I also grew tired of keeping up with the maintenance.
It became costly to constantly schedule retwists(with an unreliable loctition).

I wasn’t sure how to cut dreadlocks shorter properly myself, but I took matters into my own hands anyway.
Cutting my locs Mulan style was something I dreamed of doing, so I had to get a knife and make an attempt.
It unfortunately was a major fail, so off to the barber I went!
Because my barber was the person that started my dreadlock journey, I thought it only made sense to put my trust in her hands.
I’ll show my before and after photos shortly, but we must discuss what it was like to have dreadlocks as a black man in the U.S.
What Having Dreadlocks Was Like
I must admit, it was scary to start my dreadlock journey.
This was mainly because I was worried about what other people would think.
Despite the petty worry, my yearning to have a full head of dreadlocks was too strong to ignore.

Going through the “ugly phase” of having dreadlocks was very challenging.
This was because my idea of what having dreadlocks would be like, differed from reality.
You see, I would have strangers and family constantly dissecting my dreadlocks in an attempt to persuade me to cut them off.
I even had a former co-worker warn me about growing dreadlocks too long stating, “something just happens when dreads get long. It just doesn’t look right anymore. Just keep your current length and you’ll be fine, kapeech?”.
Having people openly express their opinions about my dreadlock journey was an annoying occurrence that grew tired quickly.
But this still wasn’t enough to stop my journey!

Above all else, I loved the feeling of not having to pick my ‘bed-fro’ every morning.
Having dreadlocks was also fun because I got to whip my hair like willow smith(with actual hair this time).
Work Place Insecurity
Although I didn’t have an issue with maintaining a job while having dreadlocks, I couldn’t help but feel somewhat insecure about my hair in the workplace.
Some common thoughts that ran through my mind were:
- Will people take me seriously?
- She probably thinks I’m a dirty hippie.
- I can’t wait to get a retwist, my scalp feels like the Sahara desert!
Once my dreads achieved a certain length, I gained the confidence to color them purple!

Let’s Talk Maintenance
Taking care of dreadlocks can be low maintenance…if you choose that route.
This route typically comes with a “dreadhead” aesthetic that’s less than desirable for most people.
I know some people that get a retwist every other week(too often), and some that get one every once-in-a-while.

Personally, I got my dreadlocks spruced up every four months.
Waiting several months in between retwists gave my hair time to grow without over-tightening/grooming(which can lead to hair loss).
To prevent an “undoing” after a fresh retwist, I waited a good week before rinsing.
While rinsing my dreadlocks I used shampoo(no conditioner) and moisturized my scalp with rose water and coconut oil.
About once a week, I’d massage castor oil into my scalp to promote growth and thickness.
This left my dreadlocks feeling light and healthy every day!
The Spiritual Meaning Of Dreadlocks
Getting dreadlocks didn’t start out as a spiritual journey for me, but it certainly became one over time.
After having dreadlocks for one year, I started to become more emotionally in tune.

Having dreadlocks forced me to perform consistent introspection, especially because I was committed to growing them long-term.
I gained my core spiritual strength with my dreadlocks because they taught patience.
Waiting is one of the most important things in life because it often leads to satisfactory rewards.
Growing dreadlocks forced me to accept myself at every stage of growth.
Well, How Do I Feel Now?

The simple answer is free! I actually thought that I would be scared to see myself without dreadlocks, but I genuinely love the way I look now.
I also grew a beard to complement my evolution as a man.
To put it plainly, cutting my dreads off catapulted me into a new realm of self-love and spiritual awakening.
If you’re considering getting dreadlocks, be sure to accept yourself whole-heartedly and to let your hair grow freely.