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how long does it take for shrooms to kick in?
This was one of the main questions that I had before embarking on my magic mushroom journey, and it honestly scared me.
My primary fear with the magic mushroom onset was that it would come in sudden and powerful.
I’m the kind of person that likes to be introduced to new things gradually, so you can understand my ‘shroom caution’.
While no legal states for carrying magic mushrooms exist, it’s strangely legal to purchase spores.
In this post, we’re going to discuss the estimated time you should expect to feel the effects of shrooms!
How Long Does It Take For Shrooms To Kick In?

Depending on the strain, you can feel the effects of shrooms within thirty to fifty minutes.
Personally, I felt the effects of shrooms in about two hours my first time.
There were several times since then that I’ve felt the effects much sooner.
But I want to add that how you consume the mushrooms plays a major role in how soon you feel the effects.
I’ve noticed that eating shrooms whole has given me a more potent experience, compared to consuming them in a smoothie.

Even mushroom pills can give you a faster effect depending on their quality.
It’s important to never consume more shrooms than you can comfortably tolerate.
This is because the effects of shrooms can be delayed. What you may not feel now, can be a life-changing experience five hours later!
Get Shrooms

All of this to say, be sure to give your body time to process the psilocybin before consuming more.
Never underestimate the power of psychedelic mushrooms!
How Long Do Magic Mushrooms Last?

The effects of magic mushrooms can last for up to(but not limited to) eight hours.
Despite the physical effects lasting less than half a day, the long-term mental mushroom side effects can be life-altering!
Psychedelic mushrooms have the ability to reveal un-highlighted parts of your personal reality…this is why having a “trip sitter” is always recommended for new shroomies.
There are times when the effects of magic mushrooms can seem like forever, just know that it eventually wears off.

You can also consider using marijuana to ease some of the effects of psilocybin if things start to get uncomfortable.
CBD in particular really helps with easing some of the bodily impacts of magic mushrooms, such as relieving mental tension.
Read My Post On The 13 Best Weed Strains Of All Time
Best Time To Eat Psychedelic Mushrooms

Some people say that if you take shrooms on an empty stomach, the effects will be more potent.
This was definitely the case for me, but everybody is different.
The best way to experience the effects of magic mushrooms and discover your preferred strain, is to simply experiment.
What Do Shroom Trips Feel Like?
This answer really depends on the strain of shrooms that you’re ingesting.
Here are some common effects that frequent ‘trippers’ have reported experiencing:
- Feelings of unity
- Creative inspiration
- Sedation
- Vibrant imagery/enhanced perception
- Sadness
I can relate to the sedation and unity feelings the most.

That was how long shrooms take to kick in! Remember not to resist what the mushrooms are trying to make you experience.
Shrooms are a once-in-a-lifetime gift that should be respected.
If you’re trying to increase your self-connection and explore untapped areas of your mind, magic mushrooms are a form of natural medicine worth researching.