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Scary Sea Moss Side Effects Uncovered

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sea moss side effects

Do you know the sea moss side effects to look out for?ย 

I’ve been using sea moss gel for a couple of years now, and I haven’t experienced sea moss detox symptoms. But this doesn’t mean you won’t either.

Depending on how you consume sea moss, you can experience different changes to your health.ย 

Some benefits include clear skin, while sea moss side effects can beย severe.ย 

sea moss benefits and side effects

In this post, I’m going to tell you all there is to know about the side effects of sea moss gel and how to reap it’s benefits!

Sea Moss Benefits And Side Effects

Table of Contents


sea moss for weight loss

Consuming excessive amounts of sea moss gel can cause digestive discomfort and other side effects.ย 

Sea moss is rich in fiber, which can cause bloating, gas(if you don’t get enough in your diet already, this can happen).

In addition, sea moss contains carrageenan, which can cause inflammation and digestive problems in some people.ย 

Although some studies suggest that carrageenan can be harmful to human health, the evidence is still unclear.ย 

If you experience negative sea moss side effects, speak with your doctor!

Sea Moss Gel Gummies

The brand Organic’s Nature has high-quality, wild-crafted sea moss.ย 

Their sea moss gummies are tasty and include additional superfoods like bladderwrack(weight loss & heart health) and Burdock Root(antioxidants)

Sea Moss Side Effects: Thyroid

sea moss benefits and side effects

Sea moss is a rich source of iodine, with over 100 times the daily recommended intake in just one gram.

ย Excessive iodine intake can cause thyroid dysfunction, including hypothyroidism andย hyperthyroidism.

Sea moss should not be consumed in large quantities on a daily basis, and it should be spaced out appropriately to prevent side effects.

A daily intake of 1-2 teaspoons of sea moss gel is safe.

Sea Moss Gel Benefits

Supports Healthy Gut Bacteria

sea moss weight loss reviews

Having(and maintaining) healthy gut bacteria is a great sea moss benefit!

Not only does having healthy gut bacteria help you process food better, but research even shows that it can reduce allergy symptoms.

Here are some benefits of having healthy gut bacteria:

    • Improved bowel movements

    • Can help prevent certain diseases(colon disease being a major one)

    • Regulating immunity

    • Decreasing obesity risk

During an investigation into the effects of sea moss in weaning rats, the BMC found a key result in prebiotic percentage.

It was found that rats fed sea moss had increased amounts of healthy gut bacteria.

best sea moss for weight loss


Me Holding Fresh Sea Moss Gel

As you can see, sea moss can offer your digestive system extra defense against bad bacteria.

If you’re someone who’s struggled with slow or uncomfortable digestion, see if sea moss works for you!

Boosts Immunity

how to use sea moss for weight loss

A note-worthy benefit of sea moss is its immunity-boosting properties!

Because of its potassium chloride, sea moss helps your body reduce inflammation.

Sea moss is also antimicrobial.

In a recent study conducted in the book Fish & Shellfish Immunology, researchers determined that the sulfated polysaccharides found in Irish sea moss can improve health in mussels(2).

Radiant Skin

how much sea moss gel to take daily for weight loss


Me Drinking A Green Smoothie With Clear Skin

Everyone wants to have luxuriously smooth and glowing skin, let’s see if sea moss can help you get better skin quality!

Carrageenan seems to be a major contributing factor into the sea moss gel benefits for skin.

Sea moss contains an array of different nutrients that benefit your skin’s overall health.

sea moss side effects

Dr. Karen Hammerman, a dermatologist atย Schweiger Dermatology Groupย states, “Sea moss may also help reduce wrinkles and hydrate the skin because it contains essential elements that make up the human body, includingย calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin A and vitamin K,”

Dr. Karen also goes on to state that, “Due to a high sulfur content, sea moss has antibacterial, antiviral, and antimicrobial functions, and it is therefore believed to help with balancing the skin’s microbiome.”(2)

sea moss for weight loss

You may hear some sea moss advocates express that sea moss gel is “pure vegan collagen” in order to appeal to a plant-based audience.

It’s important to note that although sea moss contains collagen-building proteins, it’s not literally collagen!

If you’re looking to take the look of your skin to the next level, be sure to purchase some of the following sea moss skin care products below!

Weight Loss

sea moss drink for weight loss

Using sea moss for weight loss can be very rewarding, especially when you know the best way to extract its benefits.

In a study performed by the CCRCT, 78 individuals were given a 1:1 ratio of sea moss and were monitored over a twelve-week time frame.

After the testing period was completed, researchers found that sea moss “significantly reduced body weight, especially fat mass, in overweight or obese individuals.“(4)

Sea moss’s Iodine helps your body’s thyroid produce hormones, which is crucial to having a healthy metabolism.

is sea moss good for weight gain


Me showing off my weight loss, holding a juice

Helps Prevent Over-Eating

Sea moss gel promotes weight loss is by increasing satiation.

Fiber is the key ingredient in sea moss that thickens smoothies and eases your bowel movements.

According to an article on Freshlyrootedtribe.com covering the weight loss,“the carrageenan absorbs water and forms a gel-like substance in the human body. This prevents theย stomach from emptying quickly.

Now that you know how sea moss benefits your body, let’s make an awesome sea moss recipe for weight loss!

The following recipe is one of my favorite sea moss smoothie recipes. It incorporates the tangy-sweet flavor of mango with zesty lime!

best blender for smoothies

Mango Sea Moss Smoothie

Prep Time 10 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes


  • High Speed Blender
  • Knife


  • 3 Mangos
  • 1 Tbsp Sea Moss
  • Juice From One Lime (Optional)
  • 1 Tbsp Powdered Turmeric
  • 1 Cup Water


  • Slice your perfectly ripe mango, peel, then place the meat in your blender.
  • Scoop a Tbsp of your sea moss into the blender on top of the mango, along with turmeric and lime for extra tanginess.
  • Blend until smooth with water and enjoy!

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take for sea moss to start working in your body?

You’ll typically feel the effects of sea moss gel within an hour(once your body has absorbed the nutrients).

If you’re looking for weight loss results, you’ll want to consistently consume sea moss for upwards of three weeks(paired with exercise for the best outcome!).

How Much Sea Moss Gel To Take Daily For Weight Loss

You’ll want to consume around four grams(1-4 Tbsp) of sea moss per day to start reaping the most benefits without side effects. (7)

What Are The Sea Moss Side Effects

While the overwhelming effects of sea moss are positive, you may run into issues if you exceed the recommended daily intake.

According to the National Institutes Of Health, “Getting a very large dose of iodine can cause fever and stomach pain.

Do You Have A Sea Moss Before And After Photo?

Okay, so I had to go through the archives for this one…

sea moss benefits list

Before I started using sea moss, I struggled with rashes and weight gain.

It didn’t help my condition that I had a stressful job that offered free sugar cookies in the break room.

After using sea moss for about a year(right photo), my skin improved and I started to get a leaner waistline.

Of course, I started exercising and using my 30 juice recipes for weight loss E-Book!

sea moss benefits and side effects

That was everything you didn’t know about sea moss.ย 

Remember to consume sea moss in modest amounts and give the plant time to heal your body with time.

If you’re looking for more information on sea moss, be sure to watch my YouTube video showing you how to prepare fresh sea moss at home!

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