What is an industrial vegan?
This is the question that took the world by storm after Craig Fergusson coined the term on TV.
At its core, industrial veganism opposes factory farms and instead opts for more eco-friendly companies.
For example, an industrial vegan wouldn’t purchase a bag of conventional lentils at his/her local grocery store, this person would seek locally grown options.
In this post, we’ll dive into what it really means to be an ‘industrial vegan’ and if it’s something you should consider!
What Is An Industrial Vegan?
An industrial vegan strives to source their food from non-industrial companies(think local farms).
While the difference is small, traditional veganism focuses on not consuming animal-based products overall(despite where they’re sourced from).

Industrial veganism promotes animal product consumption, just on a smaller scale.
The rationale behind being an Industrial Vegan stems from the devastating reality of modern-day farming practices.
Heavy use of pesticides, growth of artificial food varieties(GMOs), and greenhouse gas emissions are at the forefront of why Industrial Veganism is starting to resonate with more people.
Is It Worth The Effort?
If you’re willing to only buy from eco-friendly and sustainable companies, becoming an Industrial vegan may be the lifestyle for you(yes, I said lifestyle).
What it means to be an industrial vegan is a perfect oxymoron because the definition of veganism involves only eating plant-derived foods.
This is why it may be confusing to see the word ‘vegan’ even attached to a coined term meant to endorse animal products.

Being vegan involves more than just eating completely plant-based foods. To abide by the term’s principles, you’ll need to ensure that every product you purchase is also plant-based.
Throw in the ‘industrial’ and you’ll also have to find locally sourced options that are preferably organic.
The Real Meaning
This is what it really means to be a true “Industrial Vegan”(if you’re holding on to core vegan principles).

Although a step in the right direction, becoming an ‘Industrial Vegan’ can be hard to sustain if you aren’t prepared for the transition.
Nonetheless, the benefits realized after adopting a vegan lifestyle are celebrated.
Some note-worthy benefits of choosing vegan options include:
- Reduces carbon footprint.
- Reduces animal exploitation on factory farms.
- Can improve your health.
- Can help you save money on food.
All of these benefits are listed assuming that you are eating an adequate amount of calories every day and are getting checked by your doctor annually(more frequently at the beginning of your vegan journey).
Taking the extra time to find ethical companies is something that everyone should do, in theory.
But whether someone has the privilege to choose where they source their food and essential products is an overlooked matter.
To help you decide whether industrial veganism is right for you, think about your environment and what personal impact you want to have on the world.
Is Industrial Veganism For You?
Introspection is key when changing your diet and especially lifestyle habits.
If reducing your carbon footprint is important to you, taking the leap to become an industrial vegan can be well worth the change.