how long do shrooms last

Magic Mushrooms: How Long Do Shroom Trips Last?

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how long do shroom trips last

How long do shroom trips last?

Several factors can impact how long magic mushroom trips last. 

Everything ranging from your environment, the quality of shrooms you’re taking, and your stress levels can affect how your experience with psilocybin will turn out.

In this post, we’ll dive deep into how long shroom trips last and what you can expect!

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how long do psychedelic mushrooms last?

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How Long Do Shrooms Last?

As mentioned, there are some critical factors your should consider when wondering about the duration of magic mushroom trips. Some include…

  • How potent are the mushrooms? The potency of mushrooms is the most important factor in determining how long your trip will last. Depending on the levels of Psilocin and Psilocybin, the trip duration may vary.
  • Is there any food in your stomach? Consuming mushrooms on an empty stomach can result in a more vivid experience and reduce the likelihood of nausea. Additionally, the effects can be felt faster.
  • Overall tolerance. If mushrooms are taken consecutively without taking a break, the brain will develop a tolerance, meaning that in order to achieve the same effects you will need to consume more shrooms.
how long do shroom trips last
Some people prefer lemon tekking or making mushroom tea to strengthen the onset.

For those who are new to the world of psychedelics, it’s best to take it easy and not rush.

The effects of a quick onset with sudden changes may sometimes be overwhelming, even for more experienced users.


Magic mushrooms typically stay in the body for 24 to 48 hours.

However, this can vary based on individual factors such as:

  • Age
  • Tolerance
  • Dosage
  • Metabolism
  • Additional Substances Taken

Do Shrooms Show Up On A Drug Test?

Usually, 5-panel drug tests do not test for psilocybin or psilocin.

These tests are designed to detect substances like cocaine, amphetamines, THC, PCP, and opioids.

It’s also important to note that the detection window for magic mushrooms varies depending on the type of test used.

how long do shrooms last in your system

Some tests can detect trace amounts of psilocybin in urine for up to a week after ingestion, while hair follicle drug tests can detect it for up to three months.

One of the key factors is a person’s metabolic rate, which can vary significantly and affect drug detection times.

magic mushrooms

Certain health conditions can also impact metabolic rates.

A higher metabolic rate typically leads to a shorter window of time for which a drug can be detected in the body.

Psilocybin Effects

When you consume magic mushrooms, the psilocybin they contain is absorbed by your blood through your stomach and intestines.

Once in your bloodstream, the psilocybin is filtered by your liver, where it undergoes a transformation into psilocin.


Psilocin is the active ingredient responsible for the psychoactive effects of magic mushrooms.

Psilocybin is converted into psilocin through the action of enzymes called alkaline phosphates, which remove a phosphate group from psilocybin.

This process, called dephosphorylation, is a common mechanism used by your body to break down organic compounds.

The liver is also responsible for the “first pass effect” which causes a portion of the drug to be lost during absorption before it reaches the bloodstream.

For psilocybin, about 50% of the drug is lost in this way, meaning only about 20% of it ultimately becomes psilocin.

While drinking water can help eliminate psilocybin from your system, it’s not significant enough to avoid drug test detection. 

The only effective way to eliminate psilocybin is to stop using it.

psychedelic mushrooms

By doing this you will allow time for your body to metabolize and remove the substance naturally.

The amount of psilocybin ingested directly correlates with the length of time it remains in your system and can be detected.

How To Make Shroom Trips Last Longer

When it comes to increasing the absorption rate of psilocybin there are two main methods.

Brewing Magic Mushroom Tea

Brewing psilocybin mushrooms in tea offers 2 benefits.

First, it extracts the psychoactive compounds, making them more readily available for absorption while sparing the stomach from the difficult-to-digest parts of the mushroom.

Second, it can result in a smoother experience for users who experience nausea.

However, be cautious as extracting the active compounds can intensify the trip.

psilo mushrooms

The effects of brewed tea can be felt within 15-30 minutes, with peak levels achieved within 45 minutes.

The trip can last for 4-5 hours, with a potential lingering afterglow for an hour or two after the peak.

Lemon Tekking Psilocybin Mushrooms

Another way to extract the active compounds from magic mushrooms is through a process called “lemon tekking“, where the mushroom material is soaked in lemon juice for 15-30 minutes before ingestion.

This method is believed to help break down the psilocin into active psilocybin, resulting in a faster onset of effects. Not recommended for new users. 

The trip can last for as little as 3-4 hours but can be extremely potent.

psilocybin mushrooms for depression

Psychedelic Mushrooms: Ethanol Extraction

Another method is preparing an ethanol extraction or “tincture“, which is significantly more bioavailable and results in faster absorption.

But, this method is also extremely potent and should only be used by experienced users, since only a few drops can produce strong psychoactive effects.

The potency of the tincture batch can vary greatly, and it requires careful precautions when sampling to determine its strength and potency.

When used correctly, it can produce a shorter but more intense trip with fewer side effects than regular ingestion.

It also allows for easy re-dosing to intensify or prolong the trip as needed.

How To Make Shroom Trips Last Longer

magic mushshrooms pic

Mixing them with recreational psychoactive substances, such as alcohol or MDMA is not recommended.

When combined, unpredictable interactions between the two substances may occur.

There’s also an effect on chemical pathways, and the potential for a longer “comedown.”

According to the list of polysubstance combinations mixing shrooms with cannabisamphetamine, and cocaine is considered unsafe.

How Long Do Shrooms Last?: In A Nutshell

mushrooms for anxiety

To sum it up, a typical magic mushroom trip lasts around 4-6 hours.

However, the specific duration and intensity of the trip can vary depending on factors such as the method of consumption and whether or not the mushrooms are taken on an empty stomach.

For beginners, it’s best to start by consuming the mushrooms on their own rather than trying extractions.

This method can produce a pleasant 4-5 hour trip.

Remember to always be cautious when experimenting with psychedelics, start with a low dose, and most importantly, enjoy the trip!