Category: All Fitness
5 Yoga Poses for Kids With Names!
Having yoga poses for kids will give your children a healthy and relaxing activity! Kids these days are constantly plugged into their phones, computers, or TVs. However, introducing your children to yoga at an early age is a fantastic way to improve mindfulness and strengthen your body. Yoga doesn’t have to be boring, it can be…
Life-Changing Benefits Of Flax Seeds + How To Use Them!
*If you buy a product, I’ll make a commission at no extra cost to you!* The benefits of flax seeds will blow you away! Knowing how to use flax seeds will help you reap their benefits easier. Flax seeds are a certified superfood, but knowing how to eat flax seeds is a mystery to most…
Vegan Keto Diet For Fast Weight Loss | Truth Revealed!
*If you buy a product, I’ll make a commission at no extra cost to you!* Vegan keto diets aren’t well-known, but they can have astounding benefits! After trying a high-fruit vegan diet for 6 years, transitioning to a more vegan keto diet has given me more lean muscle mass. If you’re curious about if…
Yoga Poses For 2 | Bestie And Bae!
Having yoga poses for 2 will bring fun to your flow! If you’re anything like me and want to spice up all aspects of life, why not try yoga poses for 2? These are a set of yoga exercises you typically can’t do alone. From stretching muscles to improving balance, yoga poses for 2 friends…
5 Hidden Lion’s Mane Mushroom Benefits And Side Effects!
*If you buy a product, I’ll make a commission at no extra cost to you!* Knowing lion’s mane mushroom benefits and side effects is essential for getting the most from the medicine. Also known as mountain-priest mushroom, Lion’s Mane is an edible tooth fungus mushroom native to North America, Asia, and Europe. You can find Lion’s Mane…
6 Surprising Health Benefits Of Reishi Mushrooms
*If you buy a product, I’ll make a commission at no extra cost to you!* The health benefits of reishi mushrooms can be life-changing! Reishi is a type of medicinal mushroom with a long history of use in traditional Chinese medicine. In recent years, reishi has gained popularity for a variety of secret health benefits. Table of…
9 Best Teas For Sore Throat And Cough!
*If you buy a product, I’ll make a commission at no extra cost to you!* The best teas for sore throat and cough are made with lesser-known herbs that can heal you faster. Whether you’ve been screaming at a Harry Styles concert or at crazy drivers on the road, losing your voice is no fun.…
11 Benefits Of Yoga For Men(Lift Heavier Weights!)
The benefits of yoga for men are endless, especially when you have a knowledgeable and experienced mentor. If you’re anything like me, the odds are that you weren’t introduced to yoga growing up. This is why knowing the key benefits of yoga for men will keep you stay inspired. From relieving stress to opening man’s stiffest region, the groin,…
What Is An Industrial Vegan? | Learn The Definition
What is an industrial vegan? This is the question that took the world by storm after Craig Fergusson coined the term on TV. At its core, industrial veganism opposes factory farms and instead opts for more eco-friendly companies. For example, an industrial vegan wouldn’t purchase a bag of conventional lentils at his/her local grocery store,…
Is Dairy Bad For You? | See This New Discovery
*If you buy a product, I’ll make a commission at no extra cost to you!* Is dairy bad for you? This has become a popular question since veganism started trending. Vegans claim that humans have no dietary need for the milk of a different species. On the flip side, dairy-drinkers detail our need for calcium…