Category: Reviews
HHC vs THC | What They Don’t Tell You!(Shocking Truth)
*If you buy a product, I’ll make a commission at no extra cost to you!* Let’s talk about which is stronger, HHC vs THC! While some people advocate for the benefits of HHC, others say that THC is stronger. The lack of transparency in the HHC industry makes it challenging for consumers to understand it’s…
5 Hidden Lion’s Mane Mushroom Benefits And Side Effects!
*If you buy a product, I’ll make a commission at no extra cost to you!* Knowing lion’s mane mushroom benefits and side effects is essential for getting the most from the medicine. Also known as mountain-priest mushroom, Lion’s Mane is an edible tooth fungus mushroom native to North America, Asia, and Europe. You can find Lion’s Mane…
6 Surprising Health Benefits Of Reishi Mushrooms
*If you buy a product, I’ll make a commission at no extra cost to you!* The health benefits of reishi mushrooms can be life-changing! Reishi is a type of medicinal mushroom with a long history of use in traditional Chinese medicine. In recent years, reishi has gained popularity for a variety of secret health benefits. Table of…
Shocking Nutritional Yeast Benefits Nobody Knows!
*If you buy a product, I’ll make a commission at no extra cost to you!* These Nutritional yeast benefits will blow your mind! Nutritional yeast is packed with vitamins and minerals that’ll boost your quality of life. But what is nutritional yeast and what are the best ways to use it? In this post, I’m…
Kitu Super Coffee Review – Tasting EVERY Flavor!
* This post contains affiliate links. If you purchase a product, I’ll make a commission at no extra cost to you! * Kitu’s Super Coffee is making its way to store shelves all over the nation. This rising brand of coffee boasts zero sugar deliciousness with a whopping ten grams of protein per bottle! From…
Delta 8 Vs Delta 9 THC | Here’s The Strongest!
*If you buy a product, I’ll make a commission at no extra cost to you!* Delta 8 vs Delta 9, which one’s stronger? Cannabis is a diverse plant that can be extracted in many ways. Delta-8 and Delta-9 THC are two psychoactive compounds that can be found in cannabis. Whether you’re looking for pain relief or…
9 Best Teas For Sore Throat And Cough!
*If you buy a product, I’ll make a commission at no extra cost to you!* The best teas for sore throat and cough are made with lesser-known herbs that can heal you faster. Whether you’ve been screaming at a Harry Styles concert or at crazy drivers on the road, losing your voice is no fun.…
3 Life-Changing Mushrooms For Anxiety
Looking for the best mushroom for anxiety? Here are three fancy fungi you should keep in mind!
10 Best Vegan Protein Bars That Taste Good!
*If you buy a product, I’ll make a commission at no extra cost to you!* The best vegan protein bars are nutritious, tasty, and packed with protein. If you’re a protein bar fanatic like I am, then you’ve had your fair share of nasty vegan protein bars. After being vegan for 8 years, I’ve found…
4 Activated Charcoal Benefits And Side Effects
These activated charcoal benefits are top secret and so life-changing!